Dear Mrs. Trezzini,
Between September 10th and October 7th I walked the Via Francigena between Parma and Roma.
I really enjoyed the very hospitable receptions at :
- the Cappuccini in Pontremoli ( Padre Franco ! ) and in Aulla ( Padre Damiano ! incl cena ! ) ;
- the Misericordia in San Miniato Basso : remarkable sharing in hospitality of ALL the workers of the misericordia , i.e.
it is really NOT the "hobby" of one chief ! ;
- Sant'Antimo : incl. a very special cena in the clausure ;
- the Monastero di S. Chiara in Acquapendente : one big house for me alone ;
- the Convento dei Cappuccini in Montefiascone ; with no padres anymore, only a very helpfull Roumanian caretaker ;
- the Monache Carmelitane in Sutri : incl. their really beautifull H.Mass ;
- the simple but very impressive positive answer of Don Renzo ( for me " the champion in hospitality on my way " !! )
in Campagnano di Roma ( incl. cena !! ) ;
- the Centro di Spiritualita Nostra Signora del S. Cuore in La Storta : an almost luxury retreat !
My pilgrimage was sometimes difficult, but especially very positive and meaningfull ! It will allways be one of the highlights of my life.
One deception was the treatment by the Vatican police when I requested to visit the Chapel of "Cristo Pancrator" : not only the persisting negative answer but even more the very ungainly and bureaucratic treatment. This in fact was a very negative end of a very positive and impressive pilgrimage. The chief of police knew for sure that there was no need for him to check this. For him, he said, it was a matter between me and the writer of the Credencial, who had made a fault to promise something he could not prove.
He even refused to give me his name , but he was the Chief ( with two "stars" ) of the "Corpo della Gendarmeria " at Porta S. Anna
on Tuesday , October 8 , 11.50 hrs.
I think it is important to preserve others from a treatment like this at the end of their pilgrimage. It is one way or another : not promising something if the Association cannot stand for it , or taking care of a better attitude of the police at Porta S. Anna.
I would very much like to hear from you if you share my opinion and if you will take further action and , maybe later, what is the conclusion of this.
Again many thanks for your help,
Many greetings,
Antoine M.L. Brands